492 Montauk Avenue New London, CT 06320
Tel: 860-449-0386
Dear friend,
Thank you for currently serving or joining our team as a church liaison! You are so important to us and we’re so grateful for you! We use an application form simply to provide you with information about this role and to have your correct contact information on file. Before you read through the application and the list of events, please allow me to share some important information about our ministry with you. First, we honor all human life from conception on and believe that each person is created by God, in His image, and deserving of life and love. As a resource center for those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, we exist to empower women to make informed choices and to lead them lovingly to Jesus Christ. We recognize that an unplanned pregnancy affects the woman and her child, the father of the baby, and both families and our goal is to provide services to all those involved in the situation.
The following COMPLETELY FREE programs are currently offered at our Center:
Intervention: Each day people are faced with difficult decisions surrounding an unplanned pregnancy. As a licensed medical facility and faith-based center, we provide pregnancy tests, confirmation ultrasounds, and STD/STI testing. We also give long-term material assistance, parenting education, and peer counseling with a trained client advocate to women. Above all, the Gospel is shared with clients.
Recovery: Many people suffer remorse from past abortions. Often, the pain of the lost child is overwhelming. PACE (Post Abortion Care & Education) is a ten-week program designed to bring a woman to Christ through God’s Word. The PACE program is available in small groups or with an individual advocate and uses the Bible study Forgiven and Set Free.
Recovery for men: Men suffer from abortion too. Often, their way of dealing with the pain can be very different from a woman; therefore, we provide men with a program designed for their needs. Healing a Father’s Heart is the companion study for men and is available on an individual basis with a male advocate.
Finally, I am so thankful for you. Thank you for communicating with your church and the community about the vital work of this ministry; without you, our work could not be done. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I would be happy to speak with you.
Katie Geeze//Development Coordinator