492 Montauk Avenue New London, CT 06320
Tel: 860-449-0386
Description of role: A ministry opportunity to inform congregations throughout Southeastern Connecticut of the services and fundraising efforts of Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center.
Church liaisons are very important to Care Net. They are our LIFELINE to supporting churches in the area. Throughout the year we have various events that our supporters need to be informed about. The church liaison is the link to provide this information to their congregation. This is accomplished through sharing at services (if comfortable), posting in bulletins, hanging up flyers/posters, and communicating events via word of mouth or through the use of social media or email.
You may be asked to promote the following events within your church; your individual participation is also welcomed but not required!
Annual fundraising banquet
Baby Bottle Campaign
Ladies' Christmas Tea
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Fundraising banquet: advertise the banquet in your church bulletin, personally invite church members to attend, host a table.
Baby Bottle Campaign: advertise the event (runs from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day) in your church bulletin, hang a poster, make baby bottles accessible to your congregation (bottles provided by Care Net).
Walk-for-Life: advertise the event in your church bulletin, hang a poster and forms (provided by Care Net), recruit walkers.
Golf-“fore”-Life: advertise the event in your church bulletin, hang a poster (provided by Care Net), recruit golfers.
Ladies’ Christmas Tea: advertise the event in your church bulletin, have tickets available for purchase (provided by Care Net), ask ladies to participate in preparing food and/or providing a basket for the raffle.
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: have brochures available at your church (provided by Care Net). If you’re interested in scheduling a speaker from our Center at a women’s event, Sunday morning, or other type of service, please let us know!